Final League Standings | Championship Game | Tournament Details
Here are the final league standings . This sets up a championship match for 1st place this Saturday 10/28 at 1030am. Immediately following the match, League prizes will be handed out. All 7 people will get a choice (in order of champion/standings finish) of once piece of swag. Swag ranges from deck boxes, to alternate card art (x3 if you choose a character), tokens, and lot's of other fun stuff. Whatever doesn't get picked will be in the prize pool for the tournament immediately following. 1. Dom 72.5 2. Brad 54.5 3. Lex 49.5 4. Tim 46.0 5. Travis 34.5 6. Ethan 28.0 7. Xander 5.0 So the final battle will have Dom vs. Brad. The Winner gets first choice between 2 types of 15 Greyjoy power tokens, as well as first choice of swag. For more info on league prize support refer to earlier posts. The tournament format still largely depends on turnout, and we'll need to be adaptable based on who comes. But this is the format I envision. A note, Lex...