Fall is Coming - Final Week

Well, somehow we did this. It's been fun. My plan is to run 4 leagues a year, as well as have at least 2 tournaments (not including the regional). I'll be passing out an end of league survey on 10/28 so I can get some feedback on what you liked/didn't like, suggestions going forward etc. This first league was kind of a dress rehearsal, and I have high hopes for future events.

Reminder: this is the last week to add points to your league total. At 6pm this Sunday (10/22), league scoring will be complete. No games past 6pm Sunday will count toward standings. Also, please refer to the league rules to make sure you're keeping track of how many times an opponent is played per week, etc.

On 10/28, the championship game (1 vs. 2) will be played @ 1030am, followed by a casual tournament open to all. The tournament is free to us, and for anyone else who wants to play it's only $5. Lot's of prize support for that one. So if you know anyone who wants to play, please invite.

There is a chance, Lex and I will have to leave early as he has a piano recital so I may seek a volunteer or two to assist if the tournament goes much past 3pm.

Here are the updated standings through 10/17 8am and can be seen here:

1. Dom 71.0 (updated)
2. Tim 46.0
3. Lex 41.0 (updated)
4. Brad 38.5
5. Travis 29.5
6. Ethan 22.5
7. Xander 5.0

All seven people will receive prizes. Top 2 also get 15 power tokens in addition to other prizes.

Reminder - Still looking for Flea Bottom combo's you pulled off throughout your league run. If you have one, email the following to the distribution list:

Name, house, vs. Name, house, and what the combo was.

So far I have 2. I'll be putting all submissions up for vote on Sunday 10/22 for whomever attends league night. They are worth a couple extra points. Top 3 will get points.

**UPDATED 10/17/17 2pm**

Forgot to record 1 match between Dom and Lex. Scoring updated now.


  1. I'm confused on my score because I played against lex 3 times and won and lost to Ethan on Sunday.

    1. Sorry Dom, completely spaced the 3rd time. I do have your loss to Ethan on there though. I'll update scoring in a bit. Thanks for the catch.

    2. That loss was pretty epic I must say. Ethan did a great job playing that game. Thanks buddy!


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