General AGoT League Rules

League General Rules/FAQ

This will serve as the first draft of COS_AGoT FAQ. It is subject to change, A) because I'm new at this, and incredibly inexperience running a game league, and B) I reserve the right to attempt to fix any imbalances in scoring or enjoyment that we experience as we trail blaze through this process.

General Info:

  • You'll be able to view scores at all times, on a shared dropbox folder found here. I will try to have it updated by 4pm every Sunday before League night. 
  • If you are in this league, or are interested in joining this or future leagues, it is imperative that you subscribe to the free distribution list. All future communication will be delivered through this email list. Instructions are below:
  • Quick updates will be delivered via email list, while more specific data will be communicated on the blog. But blog updates will be posted on the email so you wont miss. You can also subscribe to the list on if you so decide. The blog can be found

Scoring Info:

  • Wins on League Night @ Petries = 5 points
  • Wins on, or any neutral location not @ Petries on league night = 3 Points
  • Losses on either location = 0.5 points (Yes, you get points for losing)
  • At the conclusion of league play, the top 2 point earners will be paired for a championship game. 
Special Scoring Info:

  • Each league will have at least 1 unique scoring chance unrelated to winning. For example, Fall 2017 league has Best use of "Flea Bottom" location synergy in game as voted upon by players. 1st place receives 3 points, 2nd, 2 points, and 3rd place = 1 point.
  • You also may receive a point for bringing a new player on league night. Max, 1 point per night. If the new player signs up for league (pays $5 fee), you will receive 1 additional point.
  • We will also have points based on how many different main houses you play. If you play all 8 houses during league play, you will receive 12 points. 5 - 7 house will equal 6 points, and 4 or less houses will equal 2 points.

People's personal time is very important to me. And while I'd love for everyone to come together and spend that personal time with us for a few hours every Sunday afternoon, I know that's just not realistic. So for now, as we chart this new course, here are some ways to play and score (though you do suffer a scoring penalty for doing so, see above), and the limitations they come with:

  • Maximum 3 games @ Petries on League Night.
  • Any games not completed by 6pm on League Night will be decided in favor of player with highest score total at exactly 6pm Petries time.
  • Players are allowed to get there a little early if you're trying hard to get 3 games in, but keep in mind we only have official table space from 4 to 6pm, and there are other groups with reservations.
  • Maximum of 2 games outside of Petries League Night per week. This means, 2 Online games, or 1 online game, and 1 off-site game, or 2 off-site games. Remember wins will be counted as modified wins of 3 points. 
  • You may only play (for official score) the same player once per week. For example, Fall 2017 league runs 6 weeks. Therefore, you can only play someone 6 times total. 
Important - How to get credit for playing:

  • Prior to Sunday morning, One (preferably both) participants will email the distribution list the following info:
        1. Date of Play
        2. Players Names
        3. Houses Played
        4. Winner, Loser
        5. Location (Petries League Night, offsite, ironthrone)
        6. House played (only the primary house is important)
  • If an email like that comes into the distribution list, then it will be seen by everyone, and we can immediately catch any errors.
  • If only one person emails, that's what I'll record.
  • Any emails that come in after Saturday night, will be delayed in scoring, and subject to me losing track of them and getting mixed up with the new week. So please, just email shortly after playing, and we'll all be happy. :)
Costs - 

  • Leagues will be quarterly, and cost will be $5. 
  • For Fall 2017, Petries, has announced that league cost will include the cost of year-end tournament for no additional charge. 

  • There is quarterly new prize support usually in form of new alternate card art and power tokens. But there will be a whole blog devoted to that.
