Updated Standings, and League Tournament Info

Looks like Dom is starting to run away with the 1 seed for championship. But we still have a couple weeks to go. In addition, the 2nd seed is anybody's game. Through 10/8/17, here are the current standings. For full breakdown, as always, you can view that here. Pay special attention to your houses. Remember the more houses you play, the more bonus points you get. And don't sleep on that flea bottom combo. No one I've played against yet has run it, so if you run it, and/or you see someone else pop flea bottom out during match, let me know. There are free points available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

  1. Dom 54.5
  2. Brad 37.5
  3. Lex 30.0
  4. Tim 28.0
  5. Travis 25.5
  6. Ethan 12.5
  7. Xander 5.0

Remember, the top 2 finishers will play a 1 game 55min match on 10/28/17 @ Petries starting promptly at 1030 am.

Speaking of which, Petries has published the League Celebration info on their site (times are currently incorrect, but he'll fix it). Note that the start time is 11am. I'd like to get the 2 finalists started around 1030 (if not earlier), so that the tournament (free for all league members, $5 for any others) can get started as close to 11am as possible. Basically, the tournament will begin play immediately following the championship game. 

*A quick note on final week. The final scores that will be included to determine league standings will 6pmish,  Sunday 10/22 right after league night. No matches past that will count toward standings.

There will be a ton of prizes handed out all day. All league playing members will walk away for with some cool stuff. Then, separately, the celebration tournament, we'll give as much prize support as we can. 

Should make for a fun day, so get those dates/times locked into your calendars. And get your matches in. The march to the championship begins NOW.

As always, please let me know if you have access issues to the scoring dropbox folder. Still new at this.


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