
Showing posts from September, 2017

Fall League Prize Support and misc. Notes

Updated standings can be found here: Standings through 9/23, here are our top 3: 1. Dom (28.0 points) 2. Brad (26.5 points) 3. Tim (19.5 points) 4. Travis (19.0 points) 5. Lex (14.5 points) 6. Ethan (5.0 points) 7. Xander (1.5 points) New chapter pack Brotherhood Without Banners  are in stock at Petries. If you're interested in subscribing to the series, mention it to Cam. I won't be here next 2 weeks (9/24 and 10/1), so just email all your scores to the distribution list and I'll keep it updated.  Wanted to post a picture of what we're playing for this Season: 1st Place: 15 Greyjoy power tokens of your choice, 2 Rise of the Kraken  Alternate Art Plot cards, and 1st choice of misc. swag items (Not pictured) 2nd Place: 15 Greyjoy power tokens, 2 Rise of the Kraken  Alternate Art Plot cards, and 2nd choice of misc. swag items (Not pictured) 3rd Place: 2 Rise of the Kraken  Alternate Art Plot cards, and 3rd choice of misc. swag items (Not ...

Week 2 Standings and some notes

Follow this week note to see current standings. Right now, there's a tight battle between Dom and Brad for 1st place. Standings Dropbox Now a few notes: Cameron and I are working on a possible LCG subscription model. Details are still being worked out, but I think you'll like it. Will let you know when it's all finalized. Remember, if you're looking to score points outside Sunday, a great tool is . You can arrange a game pretty easily with other league players. Also a good way to play other decks if you don't have the cards you want to form them since you can import lists from thronesdb. Ethan, I have your 3 Aeron alternate art cards. New Chapter pack is due for release next week. Brotherhood without Banners. For now, you can checkout the VERY AWESOME pack youtube review of Oberyon's Revenge by our very own Dom in conjunction with Collectormania in Parker  Dom's Review . As always, I try to get all the matchups correct, but ...

First League Night in the Books

Results have been updated on the dropbox So far we have 7 paid up. I have 11 (x3) Alternate Greyjoy art cards and passed those out to everyone that paid, except Ethan. I'll get you those next time. I think it was a good opening night. We'll get our groove on and things should be a lot of fun. Please feel free to look at updated scoring and let me know if I made any mistakes. And if you play this week on thrones or in person somewhere, just shoot me all the details I need and I'll update as we go. Just remember a few of the limitations on how many you can play someone per week, and how many non-league games you can do. All that's in original Post. That's it for now. Thanks, and have fun.

General AGoT League Rules

League General Rules/FAQ This will serve as the first draft of COS_AGoT FAQ. It is subject to change, A) because I'm new at this, and incredibly inexperience running a game league, and B) I reserve the right to attempt to fix any imbalances in scoring or enjoyment that we experience as we trail blaze through this process. General Info: You'll be able to view scores at all times, on a shared dropbox folder found here.  I will try to have it updated by 4pm every Sunday before League night.  If you are in this league, or are interested in joining this or future leagues, it is imperative that you subscribe to the free distribution list. All future communication will be delivered through this email list. Instructions are below: Subscribers can join your list by sending email to cos-agot-lcg-request@  with 'subscribe' in the Subject field OR by visiting your list page at cos-agot-lcg . Quick updates will be d...

Welcome to the COS AGoT League Blog hosted by Petries

Welcome Welcome to the Inaugural Edition of the Colorado Springs A Game of Thrones (AGoT) 2nd Edition League Blog. I'm very excited to be rebooting the Petries AGoT league and I'd be remiss if I didn't say thank you to those of you who have helped us get to this point. So thank you Tim, Cam, Dom, Ethan for all the great ideas, and the passion to help us get here. And for the rest of you, the excitement and joy is just beginning. The goal of this league is, to above all, provide us more opportunities to play the game we all love. I don't have to tell you what makes this game and this theme great, but I do want to tell you that the league is more than just who can win. Its going to be a place that we can come together and share some laughs, learn some things, and take some icons (if you're Martell). And of course there will be AGoT swag. There will be much more AGoT blog, and blog material that you can read (or not) at your leisure in the future, but f...